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Sunday, June 30

Good Morning! Welcome to Antioch Phoenix

We created The Hub as a weekly digital bulletin we update every Sunday. Use the quick links below or just start scrolling!

Coming Up
At Antioch

Join us every week for these special times of corporate prayer and worship as we lift high the name of Jesus in thanksgiving, worship, and intercession.

Message Of The Day


Message Of The Day ––


Pastor Travis Phillips

Follow or subscribe today!

We Can’t Wait
To Meet You!

Stop by our first time guest tent in the courtyard after service. We’d love to meet you and help you get connected.

At Antioch

Lifegroups at Antioch are small, Jesus-centered communities that meet in homes throughout the week to fellowship with one another and practice the way of disciple making.

Global Impact

Explore opportunities, both locally and around the world, to activate a life on mission and grow deeper in a passion for Jesus and His purposes in the Earth.

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Antioch Phoenix

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